Midwestern Specialty Cookbook Publishers
We ran out of time in the last episode to include our conversation about the development of Midwestern specialty community cookbook publishers that took place in the second half of 1900’s. We are excited to share some of that conversation with you in this bonus episode.
Out in the Kitchen: A Cookbook...For Those With Non-Discriminating Taste
We’re celebrating Pride Month and talking about Out in the Kitchen: A Cookbook for those with non-discriminating taste compiled in 1995 by Maine Won’t Discriminate, a political coalition based in Portland, Maine. The cookbook was raising money to fight an anti-gay rights referendum that was on the ballot in Maine in the mid-1990s.
Far Away and Downeast: Recipes from the Maine Refugee Community
Published in the mid-80s by the Refugee Resettlement Program of Diocesan Human Relations Services in Portland, this cookbook contains recipes from the many refugee communities in Portland at the time: Afghan, Cambodian, Cuban, Iranian, Laotian, Polish, and Vietnamese.
Lewiston Band Booster Club Cook Book
Published in 1955 by the Lewiston Band Booster Club in Lewiston, Maine. This cookbook has some really cool features -- all the recipes, artwork, and even the ads were all done by hand!
The Orono Cook Book: To Make the Butterfly
Published in 1906 by the Ladies of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Orono, Maine. This cookbook is full of fantastic turn of the century advertisements from a wide variety of local businesses, and a few national brands, too.
Fish, Flesh and Fowl
Published in 1877 by the Ladies of the State Street Parish, Fish, Flesh and Fowl is the very first Maine community cookbook — and our first episode!
S.1|Bonus: Introductions
Cooking is Community is a brand new podcast all about community cookbooks! In this bonus episode you'll meet the hosts of the podcast, Margaret Hathaway, Karl Schatz, and Don Lindgren, learn how they came together to make the podcast, and find out what they love about community cookbooks.
Season 1 Trailer
Cooking is Community is a brand new podcast all about community cookbooks! In this trailer you'll meet the hosts of the podcast, Margaret Hathaway, Karl Schatz, and Don Lindgren, and learn how they came together to make the podcast.